15 Easy Recipes That Save Me Time
As Moms don’t we all wanna feel like we have done more with our time than just make dinner?
Instant Pot and Slow Cookers Are My Favorite Appliances
The first version of the "crock-pot" was in 1970 and was first called the "crock-pot" in 1971. Crock-Pot is a trade marked name but is wildly used as a generic name for the kitchen gadget that has helped working and stay at home mothers for decades. The birth of the crock-pot coincided with the approximate timeline when women started to work outside the home. In the 15 years that I have been a mother I have seen at various times women, including myself, reentering the work force after extending breaks to raise their children. One of the main concerns after daycare is always how to continue to make healthy foods in less time. Overtime I put together a list of my favorite crock-pot / slow cooker recipes because when life is just too crazy, our slow cooker and Instant Pot take center stage, saves my sanity, and makes this CEOoftheHouse a hero.
For all of you out there who can only think of grandma's slow cooker stew, know that none of my recipes will look like your vision. Here is a full list of my Crock Pot and Instant Pot Favorites.
Slow Cooker / Crock Pot Recipes
Whether you call it a crock pot or a slow cooker, it is a fabulous tool for busy moms whether they are working outside of the home or not. We have all heard the saying that a mother's job is the hardest, most underpaid job there is, so let's embrace this fabulous kitchen tool. Here is a list of some of our family favorites. I will continue to add to this list as time goes on so check back often. I would also LOVE to know what your favorite slow cooker recipes are. Please share in the comment section below. Enjoy your #busydays and #HappyCooking
Slow Cooker Caramelized Onions Recipe
Whole Chicken in a Crock Pot
Bonus Chicken Broth Recipe